Hello Folks, Really not sure what to say and not because I don't have anything to say, as most of you know, I am never without that! It's that I am not sure where to begin and once I begin I am not sure where or how to stop. God has continued to provide over and above what we could even think or ask and continues to place a sense of Awe, with every turn we make by creating another opportunity to minister and share! This whole trip has been filled with wonderful and game changing events and I could not begin to explain them all without writing a short novel! So I will try and list highlights and keep this as short as possible! I am not sure that in the 10 years I have been coming to Croatia and the many Mission Learning Opportunities I have been on, that I have been busier than I have been, the team has been, than this one! The summer MLO's are always jammed packed and jelly tight with activities and opportunities, but this short time window we are here has been fil...