March 12: Croatia MLO - Day 4. The Day was a Huge Day for the Lord!
God scripted us a day that will go down in the history books of HiS PRINT Ministries for many, many reasons. I will not consume your time and day with the details, but I can only say that you wish I would! (At least I pray that you would!)
The clinic was a real blessing and we were blessed to share the gospel message several times and the love of Christ all the time! These coaches have been attentive - their listening to the devotions we have throughout the day is as intense as their desire to learn the baseball knowledge we are sharing. God has brought this international baseball clinic together for the purpose of sharing His love more than for them to gain more knowledge of baseball!
We hosted the clinic downtown to give us more room, and the city officials were gracious enough to share their conference room. We had a blast sharing, laughing and serving them as well as laughing with them in between. We met with the officials of the Hockey Club of Sisak and they are asking us to return for camps. We will be adding that to the list of opportunities God is granting to impact this city and country! There are many other wonderful God moments that touched each of our hearts, and our evening prayer around the table was again filled with admiration, victory and tears of joy! It was a joy for serving God and joy for loving these people and this country we call home! The team has jelled together so nicely and we are blessed to have each of them here! I wish each of them could tell you their experience and story here, but in 6 days we must head back home!
Pastor Bill is preaching tomorrow so please keep him in your prayers. He has had a lot of computer issues and has lost his sermon more than a dozen times! God gave him the word He wanted him to speak and he is prepared to share what God laid on his heart!
Blessings to each of you and thank you for your support and love!
By the way I will take dinner, lunch or even breakfast to give you further details! lol
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