Mission Learning Opportunity - Draws to a Close, Our Return Home!

Hello Folks, Mission Learning Opportunity - Draws to a Close, Our Return Home! Texas, it feels good to be back in your arms! The embrace of Houston's humidity gives one a minute experience of God's loving arms wrapped around you! Thanks for your welcoming arms! It always feels good to be back home on Texas soil and back amongst family! Although it is always hard to say our goodbyes and portions of our hearts are strewn over much of Eastern Europe and the Balkans, we are excited to be back with our loved ones. Not sure how to really go about telling you how much this mission meant, the growth and outreach of the ministry, as well as the Godincidences that occurred on the flight home. I will try and adequately describe them in as good as detail as possible without taking too many pages to do so! First and foremost the overall growth of the camps and community service events went far and above all of our expectations. Every one saw growth in numbers as well as more...