2019 Summer MLO Blog 12

Well, thank God for small vacations and time away before the craziness began. Debbie and I returned to HiS HOUSE on Sunday night and it was a blessing to see many more of our team members in country and settled in. Our visitors from Kosovo and Macedonia arrived as well, and it was such a blessing to watch them all meld together. The team even surprised me with a birthday party to celebrate my 39 th . The candles actually said I was 645, so I am somewhere between 39 and 645 - I will let you all guess. No pictures for that one! Our MLO team this year includes a bunch of teenage girls, a few teenage boys, and some young men and women in their early-to-mid 20’s. What a breath of fresh air they are. Each one has stepped up in huge ways by helping around the house and asking what they can do next. A huge blessing within the mix of all that is that t wo of my great nieces and o n e of my great n ephew s are here...