HiS Print/Italy - Update 5

Travel Day - Back Home I just love the way God orchestrates things in our lives and brings about the right person or situation in your life at the appropriate time. Some times those may not feel right and in fact when the situations are bad, we would respond it is not right, but God is sovereign and His will be done. The factor in that equation as to whether it is right or good is us! You can call it positive thinking or coincidence or even luck, but I feel that all those are the wrong prospective and reasoning. It's Trust!! With God there is no such thing as good luck or coincidences and His word promises me, He never gives us more than we can handle and never leaves us nor forsakes us. That being said, God is in control and things that happen to us are Devine appointments and with Him there are only Godcidences. It's being open to His leading and receptive to where that leads, no matter what. That's Trust! Well yet again, He did not disappoint and brought me to...