Day 5 - God's Strength through His Servants

Day 5 - God's Strength through His Servants. This team that God has assembled here at HiS HOUSE in Croatia is a blessing to serve with. Like every year, He brings the people together to march forward sharing His love in so may ways and in so many areas! We have people moving everywhere and seeing God show up is such a blessing. I am going to just try and give a small glimpse of each ministry area and activity so you can get a grasp of all the moving parts! Rachel and Angelique are making great connections with the 12 young ladies who have come to the dance camp. They have really meshed together so well and have made deeper connections spiritually with the girls. They did an exercise of taking their burdens to the cross, with Rachel sharing her difficulties by writing them on a scrap of paper and then she burned the paper, explaining that is what happens when you place your faith and trust in Jesus. Those sins and difficulties are removed and replaced with His forgiveness a...