HiS PRINT Summer MLO Begins
Well Folks,
Time with my bride on the coast has come to an end and after a beautiful and wonderful relaxing time, we are back at HiS HOUSE in Sisak and much of the team arrived yesterday! We have 19 people coming and a family from Poland joining us this for the first week of mission activities! Thirteen of our team came in yesterday afternoon and although everyone reached here safely, much of the luggage did not! Please be praying that the remaining 6 pieces of personal luggage arrive today as well as for Rock who is traveling alone today and due to arrive at 2:00 this afternoon.
One item we really need your prayer for is the shipment! It has made it to shore in Croatia, but is now in the hands of someone somewhere! We thought all of the details and connections were made by our shipper, but that was not case apparently! We are still in limbo and unsure of where the shipment is and how to proceed forward. Janko and Neven from the Storks have tried and tried to accomplish what we needed to have and Joe Page, a member of our HiS PRINT team has tried to jump through the hoops asked, to no avail. We know God has it under control and we are diligently seeking the help needed and God answered that with a meeting of the Croatian Little League Leadership Board last night. They are helping us find the needed transport and documents necessary to get this accomplished. The longer this stays in the warehouse, the more expensive it becomes for us because of storage fees and handling expenses. Please pray for a quick resolution from this point forward!
Meeting with the Little League officials last night and presenting them the uniforms we were able to purchase, was awesome to be a part of and they were speechless and their gratitude was evident in their eyes and faces! They will be using these uniforms when the first ever Croatian Little League will go to compete in the International Little League Tournament, with the winner going to Williamsport to represent Europe in the World Little League Championship! HiS PRINT is so excited to be a part of this and see this dream come true! Thank you to everyone for your support and financing to make this happen for the country of Croatia!
Take care and remember Jesus loves you and so do I! Will keep you posted on the developments with everything! God bless!
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