Fall 2023 - Blog 2
God's Highway Surrender, Walk in Surrender, Learn from the TOILS and Heed the Warning Signs Walking on God’s path is the first step of journeying with Him. Although that is the most important step, because without it you’ll be on a self-induced, self-satisfying trip to destruction that will have its momentary highlights of happiness and self-fulfillment, it will quite quickly fade away; leaving the person asking “Is this all there is?” Getting in step with God on His path is much more than praying for His illuminated path, because without following the next steps that are just as important as that first one, you will soon find yourself wondering how you got where you ended up and bewildered on how you got there; After all, you were on His path, where did He go! Once on this journey on His path, you must remember what it means to pause (Rapa with Papa), Submit and get in proper alignment (Hupotasso), learn from the TOILS: T rust O bey I ntention...