Nigeria Blog - Day 4: Words Can’t Describe

I sat down three times trying to put into words a description of what we experienced these past 24 hours. Words just don’t quite give it the justice it deserves. The enormity of what we are walking through and all the activity and opportunity to share that is going on around us is almost beyond words to describe. I could (and will) tell you what we did physically during that time, but even that is hard because of all that happened in a short period of time! I tell people all the time that when we go on our MLOs in Croatia we hit the ground running and the pace is fast and furious. With all the ministry that takes place and so many moving parts, it’s hard to keep track of it all. But what just occurred during a 7 hour span over the past 24 hours goes above and beyond even the normal pace of an MLO. That doesn't even take into account the visits and connections we made since arriving in Ilorin 3 days ago. At times I am tempted to write nothing for fear of leaving out somethin...