Sometimes Thanks is All You Need!

This thank you was sent from the oldest member of the Sisak Storks baseball team in Croatia and one of the first people I met on my first visit in 2006. Neven has come to know Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord and we have developed a precious relationship these past 12 years. His influence in Sisak is making waves for Jesus and creating an environment of gratitude and servant leadership. Read how God has turned over his heart and is leading him as a husband, father, army man, baseball coach and mentor! David (right) with Neven (left) and Damir, Little League Secretary (middle) Dear friends My story with H i S PRINT started way before H i S PRINT even existed and I want to share what influence and impact it had on my life. I've been involved in the Sisak Storks baseball club since I was 14 years old and had the chance to first train and translate for my teammates, and later coach the team of my peers and now coaching our Little league tea...