October Update


October Update

Sing His Praises Always, Never Stop

Sharing God’s word on Sunday at Lost Lagoon, collecting equipment around the city of Houston, gathering up inventory to ship to Mexico, Jamaica and Kazakhstan, speaking with individuals around the world who are requesting equipment, organizing conversations around advancing HiS Print globally, working and planning at HiS Place to create a home for HiS Print locally, sharing God’s word in one-on-one mentoring relationships, attempting to be a nurse to a bride who had recent knee replacement surgery (need a lot of prayer there), and continuing to sing His Praises for all that wondrous work He has done and the work He is preparing us for.  

I’m tired just writing all that let alone looking back and realizing all that has been accomplished for the Kingdom. It makes me shake my head in wonder of how it gets accomplished week after week! I recently shared Psalm 40:1-5 poolside at Lost Lagoon RV Resort and it hit me hard as to importance of singing HiSPrint praises and why! 

“Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie! You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.” Psalm 40:4-5

This Psalm emphasizes the importance of trusting in Him in all things. From everyday decisions to major once-in-a-lifetime commitments, we need to put our trust ALWAYS in Him. Also that we are to praise Him for all the wondrous deeds, miracles performed, questions answered and blessings poured out on us and for His thoughts toward us! 

Ask yourself, when should I stop praising Him? Let me answer that for you: NEVER! It’s when you stop that you’ll start doing something else to fill the void. Remember King David reminded us right there in verse 5, “I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.”  Never stop praising Him so your focus will always remain vertically on Him and others will place their trust in Him as well (verse 3).

As I reflect on all that has occurred these past six weeks, I praise Him constantly, consistently and continually. I’m going to let the picture speak the praises and just ask that you speak of His praises in your own life! 


On September 20 we were blessed and honored to receive a Certification of Appreciation from PISAK, an entrepreneurial incubator in Sisak, Croatia. Below is the letter we received from them and the results of the event.

Receiving this thank you letter from PISAK (Entrepreneurial Incubator) in Sisak Croatia, was completely out of left field and took our HiS Print family by complete surprise, but what a blessing it was. Our "My Utmost Business Workshops" were birthed out of our desire to love people where they are and provide valuable information to help them where they live in the business world. God has truly opened doors and given us the opportunity to walk through them. This is one example of the difference our walk has made in the lives of others; by making ourselves available and accessible through the Holy Spirit and prayerfully increasing the Kingdom in the process. 

We wish we could have been there in person, but that’s not possible. However, our HiS Print Croatia board member Lordan Bodanjak was there to represent and speak on our behalf! Thank you Jesus for bringing us those 6,000 miles away to show Your love and allow others to see "You are the only way" these past 18 years!

What a blessing these two years have been to have the opportunity to share God’s word around the poolside service at Lost Lagoon in El Campo. This year they expanded the service into October, much longer than last year.

God keeps collecting so we travel across the city and receive from across America, donated sports gear to share with the world. We have been blessed to share over 170,000 lbs with 51 countries. 

God keeps collecting so we travel across the city and receive from across America, donated sports gear to share with the world. We have been blessed to share over 170,000 lbs with 51 countries. 

Recent shipment off to Kazakhstan and Jamaica. 
Recent shipment off to Kazakhstan and Jamaica. 

Helping others around the world. Not just with equipment but through prayer and relationship.

Developing new relationships and with non-profits and other ministries. Seeing how God can orchestrate a path forward of unity. 

This is a fly over, bird’s eye view of our HiS Place ministry property in Alvin. God has accomplished a lot and continues to lead us in plans ahead. 

My Baby Doll recently had a total knee replacement and she is doing wonderful. Way ahead of schedule in the healing process.

Let’s all praise Him without ceasing and remember that if we stop we will fill that void with something else. Count all the blessings and you’ll not be able to count them all so try your hardest to keep saying them. HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED. 

