October Update
October Update Sing His Praises Always, Never Stop Sharing God’s word on Sunday at Lost Lagoon, collecting equipment around the city of Houston, gathering up inventory to ship to Mexico, Jamaica and Kazakhstan, speaking with individuals around the world who are requesting equipment, organizing conversations around advancing HiS Print globally, working and planning at HiS Place to create a home for HiS Print locally, sharing God’s word in one-on-one mentoring relationships, attempting to be a nurse to a bride who had recent knee replacement surgery (need a lot of prayer there), and continuing to sing His Praises for all that wondrous work He has done and the work He is preparing us for. I’m tired just writing all that let alone looking back and realizing all that has been accomplished for the Kingdom. It makes me shake my head in wonder of how it gets accomplished week after week! I recently shared Psalm 40:1-5 poolside at Lost Lagoon RV Resort and it hi...