Summer MiLO Blog 4


What May Seem Small Looms Large In The Heart

As we finished up the week of loving on people in the relationship building activities we did, it was a time of taking some deep breaths, pausing for a few moments and reflecting back on what happened around us, to us and to those we ministered to. I took the time to just flip through the pictures on my phone.  There are so many pictures I don’t have the opportunity to share them all on blogs, but they are so meaningful I can’t help but notice them and feel the need to share them. 

I’m not going into great detail on each, but want to share the depth of what each one means. I cannot begin to accurately describe how meaningful these are to me. God has truly blessed our team with the opportunities to share love by serving others and the love we have received over the years and in every year we come. 

Judy at the Field With Cookies
I am not sure who was having more fun, Judy or the kids, but both enjoyed it very much. Doing these extra acts of kindness out of love makes a huge difference in all our lives. 

Group Pictures After Camp
It’s always touching to be asked by the children or their parents to get a group photo with the coaches. This year was no different and the smiles on all our faces weren’t from someone saying cheese. 
Working on the Field to Help the Storks
I wish I could have taken more pictures of our HiS Print team jumping in to help wherever help was needed. They cleaned locker rooms, built tables, moved dirt: you name it they did it. 

Sharing at Church
It is always a pleasure and blessing to share with the brothers and sisters at the churches we attend. We share what we have done or what we are doing as well as give them greetings from brothers and sister in America and they always send their love and greetings back. 

Judy with Stana and Emily
Through the years God has blessed us with developing some neat and long lasting relationships. Judy was blessed to meet and spend time with Stana on a Saturday morning. We have known Stana for over 18 years and she and her husband are true warriors for the Lord. On that same Saturday Judy spent time with Emily and a group of kids doing art activities. Emily is now a missionary full time here in Sisak and came with HiSPrint Print with her family back in 2018. She has a huge heart for the Lord and loving people where they are.  

The Stage We Built Back in 2012
Coach Daniel gave the stage a new paint job so that everyone who stepped onto The Nest baseball field would know that it was a field of weeds…to dreams….to Faith. It’s pretty cool to see it from the Riverwalk for all those who pass by. God’s Billboard. 

First Meal of MiLO 2024
We don’t go hungry while on our MiLO’s and although it’s not often we get to have a big spread like this, we like to start out that way and sprinkle in a time or two for some team dinners at a restaurant together. 

Getting to Serve Ice Cream Was a Highlight
In the 18 years coming to Tropico (Ratman’s) the team and I relish the delicious flavors he offers. This year he actually allowed me to get behind the counter and serve myself. That was such an honor and the relationship I have developed with him over the years is very special. 

Mario and His Family
The team in Split were surprised by a visit from a longtime friend and his family. Mario has come to the states and stayed with my family and he has now moved to Norway and is not often here in Croatia when we are, but this year he was. He has a beautiful family with three children but only two were old enough to bring to the practice. 

Barbara - our Former Librarian Friend now Sister in Christ 
The wonderful and miraculous transformation of Barbara is one for the record books. We met her many years ago as the children’s librarian in Sisak, who could care less about knowing Jesus, to a dear sister in Christ who is pursuing Jesus with everything she’s got. Wow is the best word to describe that. 

Sam Climbing the Warehouse Racks
Things get moved or shifted and you got to go digging to find. Sam braved the heights and his willingness to do that allowed us to find all we needed to make the carnival a success. 

Iggy - Long Time Camper
Iggy has been a part of camp for years and always had a smile on his face but never spoke a word out loud. This year he came right up to me and started rattling off sentence after sentence. What a blessing to watch him grow up right in front of us. 

Paper Airplane Hall of Fame
This picture speaks volumes as to how you can affect people you weren’t trying to affect. When we came back to the library for our second day we saw these paper airplanes lined up on a shelf. I asked why they were there and the librarians said they played all afternoon making airplanes and flying them. Who would have thought? Lol

Martina is always there even when she’s not!
This year Martina, Lordan’s bride, got ill at the beginning of our MiLO and was bedridden for much of it. In years past she has always been a huge help. 

Lordan is our Boots on the Ground In-Country Team Member. 
We would not be able to accomplish all that we do without Lordan and his willingness to help with anything and everything we ask. What a blessing both he and Martina are to the HiS Print team. 

Neven and his family have become a big part of our family. 
We met Neven in 2006 and have remained in touch.  He has become a dear friend, working side by side every year accomplishing what needs to be done. 

Gifts of Listening and Laughter
Two things that speak love the loudest are listening and laughter, and our team does those well. The ability to listen is an often forgotten and not often practiced trait that shows love the loudest. Taking time to listen and the sound of laughter will most times change an atmosphere quickly. 

It always blesses me richly seeing all our team does behind the scenes and most of the time a picture doesn’t capture. Their love and willingness to serve is remarkable and touches the hearts of many Croatians. Thank you God for providing the team you call together every year with the hearts to love people where they are, and in such a loving way, until they ask why. 

