Summer 2023 MiLO - Blog 5


Summer 2023 MiLO Blog 5

While I am on the other side of the pond and waking up to begin the day, the other side of my heart is closing down from her day before and beginning a night of rest. Over the 17 years I’ve been doing this, that is one thing I’ve never gotten used to. It’s not a jet-lag-tired thing; it’s a I’m-here-7-hours-ahead-and-those-I-love-are-not-with-me. It’s trying to find that time to communicate that works for both of us. It's not easy and at times a struggle, because one of the parties is out of routine for the day or night when you’re trying to make that communication happen. 

That brings me to the importance of communication and the timing of it. Do we let our routines interfere with our communication with God? We expect Him to adjust to our schedules and be available within our time frame! Check yourself, I had to; God is available at any time and in any situation, it’s us who have to adjust our lifestyle and not consider making God fit our time frame. Instead we should live a life in constant communication. No doubt we should all carve out time to spend with Him in quiet, devoted time of prayer, study, and meditation, but when finished don’t leave Him there as you walk away to start your day. Take Him with you and allow Him to lead, carry your burdens and take your concerns before they become worry or your doubts become fear. There is no better way to live! Take it from an expert in leaving Him behind; it’s not pretty and definitely not fun. It also goes to show you and debunk that saying, "you can’t teach an old dog new tricks." This old dog has had a lifetime of experiences walking away from God and I’m finally getting the true meaning of His truth “He never leaves you nor forsakes you.”

A lot has happened since my last blog and I’ll try and hit the highlights. There were several reasons I came here ahead of the team. I wanted to reconnect with those we have come to know and love and just spend some quality time with them before the rush of the MiLO took over. Secondly, I wanted to have meetings with city officials and Coach Daniel and the Storks to organize the carnival, as well as the baseball camp that first week of July. Accomplished and accomplished. I’ve had some beautiful and blessed times with those I’ve met over the years and some fun and quality time of laughter and deepening relationships. I spent many times with Lordan and his help has been immeasurable. Time with Lordan and his bride Martina; time with Janko at HiS House (although admittedly not enough); with Neven and Maja and their beautiful family; and just yesterday a wonderful 2 hours at a Christian coffee shop in Zagreb with three wonderful Christian Brothers. We talked, laughed and generally got to know one another better by sharing our backgrounds. 


Dolcinotti, a Coffee shop owned by a Christian brother who creates jobs for people coming out of addictions. 


In the picture below, Lordan and I are on the left and Nolan is back right. He is a member of FOCUS, a Christian association associated with CRU. He’s originally from Pennsylvania, via Stanford University, but has been a missionary here for 22 years. Nic is on the front right and I met him back in 2018, when he came to Gracac with our HiS Print team to do a baseball camp. He spent the week with our team there and I have always tried to stay in touch with him. He is from South Africa but lived in the states for years and has been in Croatia for over 5 years. He helps run a Christian businessmen’s association. We had a wonderful time of laughter and great eats from the pastry chefs who prepare works of art that you eat!


A group of Christian brothers not afraid to say “Volim Te” to one another! Means I Love You in Croatian. Long story behind that! Lol


Last Friday, Coach Daniel, Iva, the Storks secretary and myself met with the Vice Mayor of Sisak, Marko, at his office. Since his old office was damaged from the earthquakes, he was using a temporary office that I hadn’t visited. Iva sent me the address and the name of the location. Unfortunately, there were several buildings with that same name so google maps picked the closest location. When I arrived at the location, Iva called me to ask if I was coming. I told her I was standing out front waiting for them. She walked around the building and we never saw each other. Happened that the location google picked for me was not the right one. I was on the other side of the city. As we were figuring that out, a car starts honking at me. I don’t know that many people in Sisak, so I choose to ignore it. The person keeps honking. I look around me to see who they are trying to communicate with and the person points at me and starts waving at me to come. As I reluctantly approach, I finally notice it is Iva’s husband. He motions me to get in the car because he knows I am in the wrong location. 

Now let me explain this. He had not driven there because of me, in fact it was very unusual for him to come that way. He was going to the grocery store because his kids wanted to have pizza and the only store to purchase the right ingredients was near where I was standing! He drove me to where I was supposed to be and Iva couldn’t believe it when I got out of her husband's car. There God goes showing off again and making sure I was taken care of!

We had a wonderful meeting with Marko and not only did he meet every need I had for the carnival he even agreed to supply a 50 passenger bus to take the campers to Gracac on Friday, the last day of camp, to play games and have baseball Olympics with the kids there. Remarkable and such a blessing. I’ll explain more about that in future blogs. The carnival is all set for Saturday July 1, downtown in the river park on the Kupa River. 


Coach Daniel, me and Marko. Marko is the vice Mayor of Sisak and former player for the Storks. 


After the meeting concluded, I asked if I could pray and like every year, Marko agreed and appreciated me praying. I'm blessed beyond measure and excited to be hosting the carnival again after a 4 year delay. There is a lot more to talk about, but I’ve already written too much and want to try and keep your attention. God bless each of you and have a wonderful, God filled day. 




