Summer 2023 MiLO - Blog 4


Summer 2023 MiLO Blog 4

Sometimes life can come crashing or smack you across the face and if you react you probably act or say something that is not productive or positive. Taking those three deeps with Jesus allows you to slow down, lower the blood temperature and pressure, allow your thoughts to slow and clear and give over the situation to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to respond instead of reacting in self. Self will almost always disappoint those around you and ultimately you.  You can imagine if you were walking with Jesus; He turns around to look you in the eye, tilt His head slightly to one side and squint one eye at you. You might even hear the words come from Him, “Really? Come on you know better than that.”

Well, if you haven’t ever reacted in self, seen that Jesus look or heard those words, you’re a better person than me and I need to be hanging out with you. Now let me explain why I start the blog out that way. This past Thursday I went to the Nest, home field of the Sisak Storks, and my immediate reaction was one of disappointment and selfishness. What I originally wrote while sitting watching the game is below. I hesitate to even show it to you, but I feel there is a teaching moment in it that I pray may help one of you who reads it. 

Here was what I originally wrote and never sent, as I did my three deeps with Jesus and allowed the HS to respond, instead of myself reacting. I hesitate to print this, but hopefully you will see the change in attitude and maybe remind us all we need to be cautious of that self reaction. 

“I am not sure how to describe my disappointment when I walked onto the Nest, the home baseball field of the Sisak Storks. It was a field built back in 2011 from a small donation of $3,000 from us and a lot of blood, sweat and tears by the team members of the Storks. 

What was once a field of weeds, made into a field of dreams, which we utilized as a field of faith, has almost reverted back into a field of weeds. Not just in the looks of the field, which actually when mowed looks really good, but the weeds around the field, along the dugouts the shape the dugouts are in and the equipment that we have brought over the years, is in shambles. The HiS Print banner we had given them to display God’s print, looks like it’s been left outside for 4 years and so faded you barely see the cross. Really sad and disheartening that I sit here watching the game, struggling to get excited and encourage the young ball players.”



The Nest and the Storks


That is where I stopped and began that time with God, allowing my reaction to be taken over by Him. I said a prayer or two and in those deep breaths God brought encouragement and visible affirmations that He was there and cared. The Storks began to play better and compete in the game and then out of left field there walks in my dear friend and now brother, Vukasin from Serbia. He had just driven the 6 hours from Novi Sad, Serbia to surprise me and spend less than 24 hours with me at HiS House, before driving back. 



left - Vuk and me in the dugout
right - a young Stork cheering for the team


After our hugs and greetings we sat down and began catching up and filling each other in on what’s been happening in our lives. With our speaking English in the dugout, the kids started to scoot closer to us to listen in. That joy on their faces completely covered over all my emotional disparities I had before and were washed away. Vuk and I sat there watching the game and talking and before we knew it the game was over. We walked out of the field and headed to our vehicles, to make the short drive to HiS House and continue our conversation. On my way out God decides to show me another affirmation through the meeting of Jeremy. 

Jeremy had a son playing for the other team and was there to cheer them on. He is a missionary in the capital city, Zagreb and as we talked we realized we knew many of the same people. He asked me about Sisak and why was I there and then proceeded to tell me that he had only been to Sisak a handful of times and only to the ball field, so he didn’t know much about the area. What he did know was this ball field was built by God, for God and he knew that because of the footprint with the cross in it! It's amazing what God can do with a faded-out banner; when I was so disappointed, it still allows Him to be visible. Thank you God for loving me, even in my stupidity and selfishness! Jeremy and I plan on getting in touch when I get up to Zagreb and I’m excited to see where God may take that.


Jeremy, a missionary in Zagreb from Massachusetts. 


Once we arrived to HiS House, Vuk and I spent the evening and morning talking. I was able to share a gift I had brought him. Before Covid, Vuk had asked me for an English Bible. The look of joy and hope that came onto his face was heart warming and our time of Bible Study before he left was unforgettable. God used this self proclaimed Jewish-Atheist to help HiS Print bring the gospel message into Serbia and Bosnia, and today is a Jewish-Believer that has a heart for people along with his love for the Lord. Thank you God for blessing me through this friendship turned brotherhood. 



Vuk getting his new English Bible


That’s it for now, but I would appreciate your continued prayers of support. Have a wonderful God filled day and remember Jesus loves you and so do I. 




