Summer 2023 MiLO - Blog 3

Summer 2023 MiLO Blog 3

I was going through my pictures and it made me realize a lot more has happened than I thought in the past week. I was thinking that there was not much for me to share with you, so I didn’t need to bother you with another blog so soon since sending the latest one. 

Man how wrong was I! In fact I’m going to have to follow up with another one right after this one just so I can catch you all up. 



Baseball Presentation in 4 gym classes to over 120 kids. 


On Monday afternoon the secretary of the Sisak Stork baseball club contacted me, asking if I could do a presentation at one of the primary schools. She said it was scheduled at 2:00. I told her I would be honored to do it and prepared myself for one preparation to a group of 12-14 year olds. What occurred was, I taught 4 45-minute gym classes, teaching 25 to 40 kids in each class! I was shocked to say the least and absolutely wiped out and sore after the first one. That’s when they told me there would be 3 more. Never did I think my hip would hold up and that I would have the energy to accomplish the task. That’s where God steps up and steps in and takes over and 4 hours later, we had 20 to 25 interested in coming to camp and that’s what our goal was. I won’t mention a whole lot about the recovery process Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, but I can say I was able to drive to Karlovac on Wednesday evening and watch the Karlovac Croatian team play against a team from Austria in the European Baseball Federation championships. 


Ball game with Croatia and Austria


There were teams from France, Spain, Croatia, Switzerland, Belgium and Austria. The Croatian team came from behind and won 5-2. In the 5th inning I was asked to come to the press box and was interviewed on YouTube live for the 5th inning. It was a real blessing to share about HiS Print and my history with Croatia, and all the different ministries we are doing. Actually provided some color commentary as well while in the booth. It was a lot of fun and God gave me the opportunity to share our love of Jesus to apparently a listening crowd of close to 800. If you’d like to listen, I begin talking at the 1 hour and 15 minute mark. 


Croatia vs Austria (David interviewd starting at 1 hr 15 minutes)


I know I don’t have a career as a radio host or color commentator, but I sure do enjoy sharing the story of Jesus and how God loves people. 


Damir and me in the booth for YouTube interview at the game. 


This 2 weeks being here has flown by and at times has been disappointing in some of things that I witness and hear and then God shows up and overwhelms me with blessings that wipe away all the disappointment. Everywhere you look around you see damage to buildings from the earthquake that happened in 2020, but there seems to be movement in improving the conditions and rebuilding the infrastructure. 


Sisak is improving but a long way to go to rebuild from the earthquakes. Former Jewish synagogue turned into a music school is getting rebuilt.


On Thursday afternoon Lordan and I went into town for a coffee and a chat, discussing some of the things I’ve heard that are hurtful and judgmental toward others. I was sharing my heart of hurt and disappointment I had in some attitudes of some of the people and all of the sudden this young man walks up to me and introduces himself. He was sitting in the same cafe but having beer instead of coffee, not far from us. He was definitely on his way to having too many when he came up and asked if I was from America. He was so excited to be talking with us and apologized for overhearing us and for coming over to interrupt.  His name is Rocco and I have seen him after work on several occasions in town and I know God has a plan for Rocco and I to have a sit down together. I can’t wait! 

I’ll close with this, Jesus didn’t let social status or cultural norms dictate His relationships with people. He came to save sinners! Traditions, cultural bans and barriers and the frowns of a few did not matter to Him and should not matter to us, when a soul's destiny is on the line. 

As the Good Shepherd, He sought the lost sheep, wherever they were. In Mark 2, when Matthew hosted a dinner party, Jesus accepted the invitation. He knew it was a wonderful opportunity to love them where they were and share the good news of the kingdom with those who needed to hear the most. He was critiqued and criticized for His actions by the self-righteous legalisms of the day, but none of that stopped Him. Unlike the Pharisees, Jesus didn’t require people to change before coming to Him. He sought them out, met them where they were and extended grace to them in their circumstances. The kindness of God leads people to change and repentance. Jesus was full of kindness and we need to be as well. 

Go out and have a wonderful God filled day. 

David (Mossman)



