2022 Fall MLO Blog 6

Fall '22 MiLO - Blog 6
Slow and Steady

What a blessing to witness what God does through His connections, when you travel on His illuminated path at His pace. You might not know His plan or purpose, but I can assure you that He will provide and protect when you are willing to travel at His pace. That doesn’t mean you won’t have difficulties or struggles and in fact can be afflicted in some form or fashion, but God will never leave you or forsake you. In fact, if you pay close attention, you can see His hand all over the place on those travels.
Back at home, Brett (BP) was able to get a lot accomplished these past several weeks. With the additional stable space we built a couple of weeks ago the new longhorns now have a place to go. Once we completed the stables, the sheep, donkeys and goats were moved and the longhorns moved in their homes. The timing of receiving those longhorns was just at the right time for us to accept them and have room to put them in. God is in the details!
Old wooden cross placed on Pa’use Porch. Reminder to stay vertically focused on a God who loves you, Jesus who died for you and the Holy Spirit you lives in you!

During the weeks leading up to my leaving on this MiLO, I put together an old wooden cross. It turned out really neat and BP was able to get it hung on the roof at one end of the porch that faces the drive coming in. Once we get a light on it, you will be reminded to be vertically focused in all that you do!
We had a our group from Texas join us on Monday.  What a blessing it was to have them here! Travis Aaron led the group.  This was his second time to come to HiS House and the first time for the 3 who came with Travis. This allowed us to divide and conquer.  It was perfect having Joe lead one group and me remaining at HiS House to lead the other. Joe took the California group up to Zagreb to work at the missionaries Daniel and Kate Wurzburg’s house, and I remained at HiS House to lead and help the group from Texas to tackle many of the projects on the outside. Busy we go and steady we went.
The crew up in Zagreb were taking on the attic, 3rd floor of their house, so that they could expand their living quarters for the family of 6. The attic was just bare walls and they wanted it to be finished off with sheetrock on the ceiling and walls. It has beautiful old beams and brick work on some of the walls and we were going to leave that all exposed. They started on Monday, returned on Tuesday and by Wednesday at noon, they had hung all the sheetrock and began taping and floating the seams and screws. They accomplished so much and the potential of the space is amazing. The team worked hard and it was a blessing to see them not only put all the work in, but also to take the time to share and encourage Daniel and Kate.

Work on the house and hanging sheet rock. It transformed an attic to a livable space.
Once they were completed on Wednesday and before leaving, they had Kate and Daniel come up and see what had been accomplished. They were amazed and fully blessed by all that had been done and the help this gave them as they could now have less to do with completing it and focus more on where and what God has called them to do, which is to work with married couples and families. In the middle picture on the right, in the collage below, you see them sitting with one of their missionary young couples in their first floor, discussing some upcoming events they have on the schedule before the end of the year. The Wurzburg house is an open door to all those who need help and their hearts are open to love and serve. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to come up and serve them in the this way. I have know them since 2013 and we have worked a little together in the past, but never had the opportunity to serve them like we were able to on this mission. Bob and Terresa Wilcox were part of the crew who went up there and they are marriage counselors, with and interest to come and serve with the Wurzburg’s in future events.
Wurzburg surprise and blessing. They were overjoyed at all the progress.
Our crew tackled as much of the outside jobs as we could between rain showers. We got the wood on the Welcome Porch sanded and prepared to stain and we spent the afternoon staining the counters and pickets. It is looking so much better and will allow the wood to last that much longer. While Chris and I completed that, Travis, Mason and Jared worked on the doors to garage that were swelling and not allowing them to be closed properly. They planed and sanded them and were able to get them positioned to close and be locked. Once that was done, they moved to the masonry that needed to get done on the side wall outside the cafĂ©. That ended up being a chore with the rain falling and items that were in the way of getting access. After two days of dodging the showers and climbing over, around and on the wood piles and storage containers, the side wall was complete and it looks incredible. I wasn’t able to get a good picture before it got dark, but will try and remember to get one tomorrow in the daylight. We call this side cowboy porch and finishing the brick not only help insulate the walls, but made it look like an old western building.
Completed outside work at HiS House. Getting the house in tip top shape for future MiLO’s.
Our team has grown to 12, with two having just left as four new ones arrived, bringing the total of the MiLO team to 14. It has been an absolute blessing to be a part of the this team and to watch them all work together to love while serving. It’s hard to write down all that happened and share with you but tried to hit the highlights and not bore you with all the details.
HiS Print MiLO team. From Maine to California, from Texas to Colorado.
Blessings and have a wonderful God filled day!
