Spring 2020 Blog: May
Hello there! Where do you start? So much has happened since my last blog in April, but also very little (we all know what I am talking about there with COVID-19.) So much has changed and so much is unknown. Questions arise as to what the new normal will be and will hugs and handshakes be outlawed or carry a fine with them. One thing we are taught in scripture is that we are not to worry and to lay everything with and before Him. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus tells us to not worry about our life, what we will eat or drink or what we will wear. God knows, provides and protects. We are not to worry about tomorrow, because each day has enough trouble on its own. That doesn't say we are not to plan for tomorrow, we should and that is time well spent, but never to worry about it. Then in Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus tells those who are weary and need rest are to come and lay all those cares with Him and He will give us rest. To sit and listen to His kind and humble heart and we will...