October 2019 Blog 2
Just like puzzle pieces, sometimes you really must work to see how the pieces of HiS PRINT Ministries fit together. You need to turn the piece several ways to see if it will fit or match the specific colors to a part of the puzzle so that you can make the roof of the house or the fence that goes across the yard. No matter the case, you couldn’t finish the puzzle without the proper pieces fitting together and all the pieces in place to make the picture complete. That is where all the support we have received through donated equipment has come in time after time and year after year!
The HiS PRINT Sports Equipment Ministry has now received requests from over 100 clubs located in 31 different countries, and we continue to receive new requests every day! We could not do it without individuals, local select teams, high school teams, college programs and ice hockey arenas, as well as from other ministries who have been blessed with collecting more than they could use and call us to see if they can share what they have!
Recent Donations
The pictures below show some recent donations that we have been blessed to receive. If you have been following the HiS PRINT blogs for long, you may remember that we have shared all the beautiful donations we have collected year after year. At last count we have shipped over 110,000 pounds of equipment and probably have over 20,000 pounds more in our different storage locations across Houston.
Recently I was contacted by Eric Anderson of FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) who asked if we could use some additional equipment and gear that he had received from across the city. We immediately accepted and traveled to Atascocita, Texas where we picked up two 24-foot truckloads of baseball gear and football cleats. What a blessing this was! It was also God’s perfect timing because it was that week when we heard about a need from some West University Baptist Church missionaries who desired to take baseball equipment with them to Cuba. With the gift from FCA we were able to supply them with 350 pounds of desperately needed equipment. The gift from FCA also allowed us to complete the shipment of gear headed to Nigeria.
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