Blog 2 - Watch Out and Hang On!

Blog 2 - Watch Out and Hang On!

Hello Folks,
I have tried to limit my blogs to a minimum, so then I don’t overwhelm your email inbox. However, so many things happen daily that it’s hard to remember them all and give them the details they deserve! One because that would make the blog too long and secondly, because my memory is not what it use to be and I forget unless reminded. Since I last wrote there has been a flurry of activity, on baseball fields, at HiS HOUSE, and at the HiS PRINT warehouse.


We had a blessing of 38 Macedonians come and visit HiS HOUSE. We were able to spend time with them around the house, on the field and in a variety of ways. It was like their own Migration of sorts so they could come and participate in a tournament the Storks were hosting. They were so appreciative of the time spent here and actually for many of them it was their second visit to HiS House; many of them came last year to play baseball as well. They asked me to participate in their awards ceremony, by asking me to share how HiS PRINT came to be and what HiS HOUSE is all about. I loved sharing with them and then gave each of the 18 players some goodies from the ministry in a HE DID IT, Let’s Do IT Bag! Fun times and one of the many reasons we have built HiS HOUSE. Building it because God laid it on our hearts and opening it up to groups to come and spend time under HiS roof. In the earlier blog, you saw the construction that is going on and expanding our capabilities. We will finish the Upper Room and Porch and then put HiS Café and Kitchen on hold till the next phase of construction.
PLEASE Pray for guidance and finances on these projects so that we are staying within His guidelines and not doing anything outside the scope of His will. We are praying that was as well and appreciate you joining us in prayer support.

Sharing Gifts of Equipment 

In between the games on Saturday and a visit on Sunday morning, I was able to present the Osiek Cannons with some football equipment and the Skopye Sluggers with much needed baseball equipment. It is always a blessing to see the smiles and hear the gratitude in the thanks that they have for these gifts. I don’t often get that blessing and it was an encouragement to hear and see. The 10 football players each shook my hand and thanked me for what we have done for them, as well as the entire Balkan region. God is still collecting back in Texas so we know He is not finished with opening doors through these donations, any time soon.
Sunday noon, the Macedonians left and headed back to their homes and it was nice to have some peace and quiet. I took the time to walk all through HiS HOUSE and pray through God’s plan and vision. Walking out His Imagination and seeing all those smiling faces running through the halls, porch, café and Upper Room. We are so blessed and witness God’s hand in all of this and the expansion of what He has in store. As I was finishing my walk, which does take awhile now a days, up drives a dear friend from Spilt, Mario Peni. Mario and I met on the football field in Split many years ago and have had a lot of times together. He now lives in Norway so I don’t get to see him quite as much so it was a great surprise to see him. He spent the night and we spent time in talk and prayer, which was such a blessing. And of course a trip to the warehouse so he could pick out some equipment to take with him to Norway! He wants to start a football team and also begin to play baseball with his 4 year old son Ollie!
Tried to keep this short and left out a lot of details in the process. Hope you can see a little glimpse of what is going on and see God’s hand at work.

