At first glance, how many of you said to yourself, "Mossman doesn't know how to spell, and even spell -check failed to change the spelling?" It's actually the best word I could come up with to describe the Amazing, Awe inspiring God, who continually shows up in Maximum ways! 

As you all know by now I am still in Croatia! I was due to go home on July 15th, but cancelled my return and stayed behind because I thought I needed to be here when the shipment arrived (it was delayed and is not due to arrive until middle of this week - either Tuesday 7/26 or Wednesday 7/27.) I am so limited in my understanding, and the God we serve has much more meaningful and relational reasons than the logistics of a shipment! Don't get me wrong, there is a lot that has been done and accomplished with cleaning out the garages here at HiS HOUSE and establishing an inventory and organization with Coach Antonio at the new warehouse, but that could have been done with or without me! But the relationships that have been built and deepened over these past 6 days I've remained in country are immeasurable and couldn't have been accomplished had I been 6,000 miles away back in Texas! 

Coach Antonio and I have spent much time together working at HiS HOUSE and cleaning the garage to take the remaining equipment to the new warehouse. It has been a blessed time of sharing our stories with one another and an opportunity to get to know him better. He was a soldier in the Croatian Army in the 90's and fought in the civil war here as well as served a tour in Afghanistan! His hard soldier exterior has been slowly melted by working with the Storks, and in my time with him I have seen his genuine heart for people! We are blessed to have him as a member of HiS PRINT! 
Working with Coach Antonio

Matei was the young man I told you about in the last blog, who reached out over Facebook and told me he had lost his father! God opened up a window in my schedule to drive to Zagreb for lunch and a short afternoon visit with him. What a blessed time of listening, sharing and praying. Our friendship deepened over those 3 hours, and I left books with him about a relationship with Jesus and the struggles and difficulties of overcoming life's obstacles through the account of Joseph's life in Genesis! My heart was touched by our time and Matei remains on my mind and in my prayers. 

Then there is the couple who own the gym and rooms to rent just down from HiS HOUSE. What a divine appointment that was! Godcidence all over it! I look forward to furthering our relationship in the future and trading use of our facilities. God is all about relationships and HiS PRINT has been blessed with the opportunity to develop many as well as connect others! 

This next meeting is one God designed for helping a young man find his way in this world by putting him together with another young man I have been discipling for the past year... 

I always challenge those I disciple to pray for and find those whom God desires for them to disciple! It is a challenge that is often met with eyes wide, gulps of air taken and shuddering with excuses! On the island of Mali Losine, on an excursion boat Janko and I took out for the day, Raul walked into my life as the latest example of God's divine handiwork! Raul was one of the crew on the ship. He is 20 and had never met an American before which was my ticket to begin loving him where he was! In between his duties we developed a friendship and began talking about life! I brought several bracelets with me, so I pulled one out for him and explained what it meant. He listened intently and was very receptive. Janko had a couple of books which we offered and he gladly accepted. Toward the end of our trip he came and sat next me and asked me what John 3:16 meant as well as 1 John 3:16. I had a beautiful time sharing the gospel and what HiS PRINT was about. Afterward he told me that his favorite verse in the Bible was Revelation 22:13-"I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." What a time and experience. I asked him where he was going after the summer and he shared that he will be attending university in Rijeka.  I immediately thought of Nedo, the young football player I have been discipling for the past year. I simply put the two of them together and will watch what God does in each of their lives! God's handiwork, HiS PRINT connecting the dots! Blessed to help! 
Raul, member of the crew

Janko and our trip to the islands was an experience that needs a blog all to itself! It was a blessed time, great adventure and resulted in a deepening friendship! You won't want to miss that! 
Island hopping with Janko
My attempt at an iron cross!

I am excited and blessed to receive the 16,000 pounds of donated equipment.  Now that the shipment is arriving later than originally thought, God has put together a team of league presidents, coaches and players who are willing to come and help unload and organize the shipment. God has coaches and players coming from Croatia, and organization presidents, coaches and players coming from Serbia and Slovenia. I am honored to have the extra hands to help, but more than blessed to have the opportunity to share Christ by loving them when they come and loving them while they are here, with Christ's love that will prayerfully help them see, feel and experience Him enough to ask about it! 

Thank you, God, for organizing all these touch points and thank you especially for granting me a loving and understanding bride and protecting her back home while I serve you here! I couldn't do IT here, if You didn't do IT there! Please continue to lift up Debbie, my bride, and my family while I complete this mission of building relationships for the future, by serving and sharing with them today! 

Have a wonderful God filled day! 
