HiS PRINT - Building Bridges between Cultures; Closing Gaps in Relationships!
God has just blessed me beyond measure on this trip and I can hardly contain myself on what He continues to do! Every day God brings a new relationship across my path as well as establishes opportunities to deepen existing ones! My head is literally spinning and my mind is continually spinning with all that is going on and all that needs to get done!
The first thing I must share with you is a Facebook conversation that took place on Sunday between Vukasin and myself. It just blessed my socks off and gave me confirmation from God that we would return in the future. Enjoy this short conversation and grasp what I mean!
MESSAGE FROM VUKASIN, organizer of the camp.
"I just had a shower after some cleaning up and im just sitting on my terrace with a big smile on my face. I rarely lack words, and now i just can't explain how happy i am. THANK YOU."
"Looking forward to conversations in the future! Thanks for taking a risk on HiS PRINT! I know you stuck your neck out!"
"David i believe you. I have believed you before and that has not nor it will it ever change. When you talk to a person and look in their eyes you can see the truth. There was no risk for me. I stuck my neck because i knew it is for the cause i believe in. Even if this "first contact" did not go as amazing as it did, I would still believe you and believe in you."
That was a conversation with a non believer, but that just means he's not a believer yet.
Phillip, who came to our very first football camp 6 years ago, showed up at the camp on the last day and we had a great reunion! He is now the Serbian National Alliance Equipment Manager, which was a new position formed this year to help distribute equipment as well as learn how to best fit equipment to players! We had a wonderful discussion around how HiS PRINT could best meet that need and we came up with doing a video series with with college equipment managers as well as Todd Giambrone, who is the local Riddel equipment rep in Houston! Huge open door to share God's love right where they are! May even look into flying Phillip over to Texas for a week to learn first hand so he can teach others! God will create that possibility if He sees the need!
We made it back home safely to HiS HOUSE and had a blessed day of visiting and doing some sightseeing in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia! I always enjoy showing off the culture and having the team learn first hand more about the people of Croatia, which allows them to love them where they are better!
Robert, Brett and Anna made it home safely. After their return flights were cancelled, they were able to get re-booked on the same day and not be delayed in getting back to their families! The sacrifice the team member families make is huge and I hate to ask them to sacrifice more with delayed returns!
Robert, Brett and Anna made it home safely. After their return flights were cancelled, they were able to get re-booked on the same day and not be delayed in getting back to their families! The sacrifice the team member families make is huge and I hate to ask them to sacrifice more with delayed returns!
All the football coaches return back home to Texas tomorrow along with CBass and Christina. It has been such a pleasure to watch the coaches work together and teach so many players the game! And CBass and Christina were a huge help in getting the laundry done from 50 dirty bed sheets and towels! The whole team that came here this summer, just like the teams in the past, were God's chosen ones to come with voices saying "Here I am, Send Me!" Working together like a huge orchestra putting on a symphony! Blessed be each! The house will grow more silent with only Heidi and myself left!
Please keep those traveling, 9 in all, in your prayers as well as the shipment of 16,000 pounds of equipment due to arrive July 23! God bless!
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