Changing a Family Legacy
If for no reason than to be here in Osowga, Poland than for Coach Robert, that is reason enough!
We spent the last morning of game with a couple of fun games of wiffle ball and had a blast. We usually end camp with Baseball Olympics, where we split the two teams up into two groups and play several relays, catching and throwing games and finish with home run derby, but this year we switched it up so that we could get more parent involvement! That was done on Sunday while I was in the Ukraine and from the sounds of it they had a great time and many parents came and watching and cheered their children on.
After the morning session the campers went home and all the coaches, except me, went to the city of Torun for a sightseeing and culture trip. I stayed back to spend some time with Coach Robert and talking and reading the Bible. We really had a special time and after reading in 1 Peter 3 and Hebrews 10:19-25, he has a better understanding of God's relationship with us and His desire to have a personal relationship with His children. We spent the rest of the time talking about the camp and planning for future! He told me this morning that his wife, Monica and he had a long talk about faith and the importance of prayer and reading God's Word. God is changing a legacy in that family through Coach Robert and it is exciting to walk along side him in that!
We woke up this morning and headed to the airport around 5:40 after a time of prayer with Coach Robert who came to see us off! The plane is due to arrive in Zagreb around 1:00 and we are excited about reuniting with the HiS PRINT team that is at HiS HOUSE. The team there has been busy working with the food bank to buy food for those in need amongst the Roma people...
... and VBS in the evenings with about 30 children. We are working with Maja on the VBS, who is the young woman we are helping start AWANA! She has a lot of volunteers and we are there to help and support! Bobby Dunlap, our AWANA Commander back in Pearland is here to run the games of AWANA so the children can get use to them and his bride, Jennifer, is also here to help Maja with the organization. We thank God for this opportunity to help with VBS, but also to help in a yearly AWANA program that will touch children's hearts throughout the year!
Thanks again for your support and sorry for skipping yesterday and for the length of this one! Just want to keep you up to date on what is going on here throughout Eastern Europe and appreciate each of your support!
Have a wonderful God filled day!
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