Day 4 - Unpack Equipment and Start Library Program
Yesterday was a whirlwind and felt like we never had time to even turn around! After devotions we hit the ground running and didn't finish until well into the night. We divided into 3 groups and headed out into different directions! The ladies headed out to share with children at two different library's around town and had 50 and over 30 children show up at each program! Kim Cissel talked about American legends and did an awesome job and the children made sun catchers for their craft! This program has grown over the years with the first day always having the least and the final day getting around 50, so we are not sure what God has in store! There is not much room left to stuff more children into, but we will if they come! This is a perfect example of loving them where they are and till they ask why!
I split up the baseball crew up into two groups with one going down to the baseball field and putting together the portable batting cage for the Storks! This will help them from losing baseballs during practice and batting time! This was a wonderful gift from Pearland baseball and will be used for many years to help keep from losing baseballs. The difficult part of putting this puzzle together was that, like most puzzles, not all the parts were found and you had to improvise to get it done! Easier said than done when you are working in a country that uses metric everything and you are dealing with a piece of equipment that does not!!! Needless to say, man conquered beast, finally, and the cage is now up and semi useable and will be completely useable by the end of the week.
The other group stayed behind with me at HiS HOUSE and started the task of unpacking every box, filling orders from other coaches, missionaries from other countries and then putting it all back into workable segments to make it easier to fill other orders when they come in. It is amazing to see what 12,000 pounds of equipment looks like when it is all spread out in a driveway and patio. After some long hours of separating, sorting and repacking we were able to remove some of the pallets and combine the equipment which allows us to have more room to maneuver and accomplish what we need to accomplish!
God is so good and this team is so united and together! We have 17 from the states now here with us with 4 more coming today and we have 14 internationals with one more from Siberia coming today! We are watching God's hand bring together His children to expand His kingdom right in front of our eyes. We are like the IHOP of missions! Ready willing and able to march forward with the Holy Spirit in the lead and his international team of disciples marching behind! Please keep us in your prayers. The baseball camp starts today and the SOS Orphanage program begins today! It is exciting to be here and to watch this all unfold! Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
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