Day 3 - Prayers Answered and Appreciated!


Appreciate the prayers and they were answered! Having the opportunity to preach at the church in Moscencia was a terrific experience and was well received! God finally gave the direction He wanted me to preach this morning around 9:30. I had prepared several different messages from several different passages so was prepared to go any direction, just praying it wouldn't be something totally new, which has been known to happen.

After church, we sat and broke bread with the people from church and had a wonderful feast of food and fellowship! Too much food and was ready for a good long nap! Actually got one when we got home and now am preparing for preaching at the church in Petrenja! God has laid it on my heart to provide a slightly different message and excited to share for the first time there!

Rock and Sharon Beal arrived safely and we now have 14 in our group with it growing bigger and bigger everyday! One of our college students, Rachel, started the dance camp this afternoon. She started this camp last year and it was so well received she wanted to do it again! I took her and two of our other young ladies on the team down to the studio for them to conduct the camp! It was neat to witness these young ladies unite as a team and to instruct those girls who would come! They had around 10 and were very energetic and excited to be there. If it is anything like last year, we will see more girls come everyday and will allow Rachel, Maja and Erinn to share Christ's love!
Church tonight was remarkable and the people were so receptive and attentive! God opened the door for me to encourage and challenge the people to get up, get out and get busy in sharing Christ's love with others! We invited them to come and join us on July 4th for the Texas Carnival and many seemed interested in coming to share in the event and Christ's love in the process! God is really opening and uniting us with the churches here and our prayer is that they will walk together in a unified front for Christ and work side by side for the kingdom. The sermon went really well and no one got up and left so that was a good sign! Thank you prayers and support for both sermons and they were answered!

Tomorrow the children's library program begins and we will spend time unloaded more of the shipment to get orders filled from coaches who need baseball and football equipment! I will have another group go down to the field and start to put together the portable batting cage which will be a huge task! Sis will take the ladies to the library and I will lead the rest of the group in going through the equipment! Thank you for you prayers and on Tuesday we start baseball camp! Pray God will keep us all safe and we will accomplish all that we need to prior to camp as well as clarity and receptiveness from the children involved in both libraries tomorrow.

Blessings and thanks again for all your support. It is getting way too late and I can barely keep my eyes open, so I pray I made some sense while I typed the update.

Have a wonderful God filled rest of Sunday and may God prepare you for Monday!

Your Friend,
