Croatia Mission 2014 Day 3 PRAYER NEEDED!

Folks, We need prayers lifted up for Coach Daniel, the coach of the Storks and a dear friend and brother in Christ! He collapsed today at the field and we had him rushed to the hospital. He has been throwing up and light headed. After many hours of waiting, they are sending him to neurology and checking his brain as well as possible blockage in his neck arteries! He is stable and we got a chance to see him briefly before they took him to be tested. Please pray for Coach Daniel and for the Storks who love him dearly. To stand there in the hall with 7 men who admire, love and care for this man who has poured so much of his life into them and the baseball club was a blessing. I will keep you posted. I will say that today was absolutely incredible with so many praises from the library program and so many children that showed up, to the meeting that Joe Page and I had with the city officials to discuss the Texas Carnival! God was there in both situations and bless...