Croatia 2013 - Day 14
Hello Folks,
I had practice with the Storks and Cadets for a couple of hours and it went really well. I had the Storks work with the cadets at their positions and then we hit on the field. Great practice and it was great to see the older Storks with the younger players and not give up on them when they didn’t do the play right.
After practice Neven and Mia invited us out to their place for dinner and to celebrate the 4th of July. It was a great time! I really do love these guys and much of my heart remains here when I leave.
As this day winds down and we look back at all that was done, it is hard to remember it all. Being tired is definitely a contributing factor, but it is more because of all that we do on a daily basis and so many different things and ways to minister.
This morning was again the orphanage and when we arrived we found out that over half the children were gone to the coast for a few days. We were disappointed, because today we wanted to hand out all the beautiful hand made knitted hats to the little girls. There were several girls and boys that took one and we gave the rest to the principal and asked that she hand them out and take pictures for us. She was so happy to receive them and told me to say thank you to the ladies who made them, which I will be sure to tell them.
Katie did a cheerleading program for the 10 or 11 that were there and they had a good time. We went out and played with the kids for awhile and then headed back to Sisak. I stayed behind to meet the coach of the Bears and give him more baseball equipment. He was overwhelmed with all the stuff and was actually speechless. He thanked us again for coming to Zagreb to do the camp for his players and for all the gear. He wants us to come back next summer and I told him I would be praying on how HiS PRIINT could help his club make their dream come true and build a baseball field there as well. That is exciting to be a part of a new wave of excitement in Croatia and would be incredible to be a part of building another ball field here.
This morning was again the orphanage and when we arrived we found out that over half the children were gone to the coast for a few days. We were disappointed, because today we wanted to hand out all the beautiful hand made knitted hats to the little girls. There were several girls and boys that took one and we gave the rest to the principal and asked that she hand them out and take pictures for us. She was so happy to receive them and told me to say thank you to the ladies who made them, which I will be sure to tell them.
Katie did a cheerleading program for the 10 or 11 that were there and they had a good time. We went out and played with the kids for awhile and then headed back to Sisak. I stayed behind to meet the coach of the Bears and give him more baseball equipment. He was overwhelmed with all the stuff and was actually speechless. He thanked us again for coming to Zagreb to do the camp for his players and for all the gear. He wants us to come back next summer and I told him I would be praying on how HiS PRIINT could help his club make their dream come true and build a baseball field there as well. That is exciting to be a part of a new wave of excitement in Croatia and would be incredible to be a part of building another ball field here.
After lunch and a short nap, we headed back to the children’s library on the other side of Sisak. All the kids were there 20 minutes early and over 20 showed up again. This has been like this every day and the librarian told us they usually only have 5 kids show up and usually late. We must be doing something right, allowing God to lead! Can’t go wrong when you do that! After the presentation of which Katie did an excellent job and Stefan was incredible with interpreting, we went outside and taught them a cheer. Rachel, Stefan, Heidi and Katie all did a stunt of lifting with Rachel being the flyer. It was really neat to see them all work together.
After practice Neven and Mia invited us out to their place for dinner and to celebrate the 4th of July. It was a great time! I really do love these guys and much of my heart remains here when I leave.
Mike and Rachel leave tomorrow for home and I leave for Poland. I just got an email from Coach Robert the coach I will be staying with in Poland and he tells me his son is in the hospital with strep throat and a high fever they cannot break. I told him that I would cancel my plans if I needed to and he reassured me that everything is okay and that he would love for me to come! I am excited and ready to go. Please keep his son Tony, 10 months old, and the rest of his family in your prayers. Please keep us all in your prayers and have a wonderful God filled day!
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