July 10 Update from the Sisak Crew
July 10 - Sisak Crew

God has been so awesome to us. We are looking froward to what HE has planned for the stage and the baseball field next week.
Love the Sisak Crew, Erin, Grant, Heidi, and Shannon

Today we got an early start on the day. We had breakfast and devotions at 7 so we could be to the field by 8. Erin and Shannon worked with Timi putting a second coat of paint on the stage. I really enjoyed working with Erin again and having Timi is a blessing. The extra set of hands are really helpful!

Grant and Heidi painted the Sisak Stork's name on the back of one of the dugouts. Grant came up with an amazing idea. We bought parchment paper and traced the letters for the second dugout. That cut the drawing time in half for Heidi. Way to go Grant!
We came back to the house for lunch. It was very hot today so we hung out here for a while then went back to the field at 4. Erin and I touched up the stage paint and Grant and Heidi got the letters drawn out for the other dugout.
We left the field around 7:30pm and went to McDonald's for dinner. The McDonald's here is so fancy. They have a coffee bar inside and the food is a little better but let's face it, it's still McDonald's!
I spent a little time with Barbara, (the librarian) today. We have gotten to be really good friends and I look forward to spending more time with her next week.
The Sisak Crew plus Stefan's sister, Manuela, have all been invited to spend a few days on the coast in Sukosan. We are looking forward to going and it will be nice to relax for a few days. We leave Thursday morning and will be back on Sunday. I will post pics and blog when I can.
Please keep all of us in your prayers as we travel in different directions. Pray the the gospel will be heard loud and clear. Keep praying for the shipment. Our prayer now is that it will be here before we leave to go back home. Thanks for the prayers!
Love the Sisak Crew, Erin, Grant, Heidi, and Shannon
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