
October Update

  October Update Sing His Praises Always, Never Stop Sharing God’s word on Sunday at Lost Lagoon, collecting equipment around the city of Houston, gathering up inventory to ship to Mexico, Jamaica and Kazakhstan, speaking with individuals around the world who are requesting equipment, organizing conversations around advancing HiS Print globally, working and planning at HiS Place to create a home for HiS Print locally, sharing God’s word in one-on-one mentoring relationships, attempting to be a nurse to a bride who had recent knee replacement surgery (need a lot of prayer there), and continuing to sing His Praises for all that wondrous work He has done and the work He is preparing us for.   I’m tired just writing all that let alone looking back and realizing all that has been accomplished for the Kingdom. It makes me shake my head in wonder of how it gets accomplished week after week! I recently shared Psalm 40:1-5 poolside at Lost Lagoon RV Resort and it hi...

Summer MiLO Blog 6

  Summer MiLO Blog 6 Finish Strong, MiLO’s Never End I was in country three weeks and there were 3 HiS Print team members left.  We prepared for our part in helping with the 15U European Baseball Qualifier to make it a memorable experience for everyone coming. Although we were tired with all that had been going on over those past three weeks (food and prayer deliveries, children’s Library programs, baseball and American football camps, Texas Carnival, field preparation and Croatia National Team practices, plus some sightseeing and cultural learning time) we wanted to finish strong this final 10 days. Then I was reminded that ministry never ends and missions is not a time frame, but a lifestyle. That’s why we make it a point to elevate to everyone we have the opportunity to share what we call our missions MiLO’s and not mission trips. We are on mission to learn and seek opportunities for what we are doing on a mission field whether we are 6,000 miles away, 6...

Summer MiLO Blog 5

  Summer MiLO Blog 5 Catch Your Breath and Hang On When you pray for God’s direction and prepare to execute those plans, you need to write your plans in pencil and hand God the eraser and see if He has any changes that need to be made. Writing those plans in ink will almost always end in frustration when they need to be adjusted or changed; but writing them in pencil and giving God the eraser reminds you those plans are His and He has control of them.  “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps” Proverbs 16:9 As week 3 began, July 7-13, several team members headed back home and we had one new member join us. The mission team was down to three, when Hugh Poland flew in on Wednesday to join Robert, Joe and I. I asked Hugh to come in and handle the announcing of the tournament games on YouTube, which is a requirement when hosting a European championship. The games would be starting on the 15th through the 20th, but we had plenty to do before then.  Fro...

Summer MiLO Blog 4

  What May Seem Small Looms Large In The Heart As we finished up the week of loving on people in the relationship building activities we did, it was a time of taking some deep breaths, pausing for a few moments and reflecting back on what happened around us, to us and to those we ministered to. I took the time to just flip through the pictures on my phone.  There are so many pictures I don’t have the opportunity to share them all on blogs, but they are so meaningful I can’t help but notice them and feel the need to share them.  I’m not going into great detail on each, but want to share the depth of what each one means. I cannot begin to accurately describe how meaningful these are to me. God has truly blessed our team with the opportunities to share love by serving others and the love we have received over the years and in every year we come.  Judy at the Field With Cookies I am not sure who was having more fun, Judy or the kids, but both enjoyed it very much. D...