
Showing posts from August, 2024

Summer MiLO Blog 6

  Summer MiLO Blog 6 Finish Strong, MiLO’s Never End I was in country three weeks and there were 3 HiS Print team members left.  We prepared for our part in helping with the 15U European Baseball Qualifier to make it a memorable experience for everyone coming. Although we were tired with all that had been going on over those past three weeks (food and prayer deliveries, children’s Library programs, baseball and American football camps, Texas Carnival, field preparation and Croatia National Team practices, plus some sightseeing and cultural learning time) we wanted to finish strong this final 10 days. Then I was reminded that ministry never ends and missions is not a time frame, but a lifestyle. That’s why we make it a point to elevate to everyone we have the opportunity to share what we call our missions MiLO’s and not mission trips. We are on mission to learn and seek opportunities for what we are doing on a mission field whether we are 6,000 miles away, 6...