
Showing posts from November, 2021

2021 Blog 10 - November

God Is At Work Driveway into HiS Place November has come in rushing like the wind and it already feels like Thanksgiving. In fact this entire month is ThanksGiving! Thanks for what we have been blessed with and Giving around the world to those who are in need. We are so thankful for all that is going on and happening around HiS PRINT. Now that we have moved out of our temporary warehouse and moved everything into shipping containers, people's garages and a storage unit (it’s hard to keep track of where it all is!) we are excited about the next steps being taken to build our permanent storehouse and headquarters out at HiS PLACE! More on that later. Croatia Shipment As we were moving these past several months, we were able to get a 20-foot container packed with 9,000 lbs. of sporting equipment headed to our warehouse is Sisak, Croatia! Once it arrives there, almost all of it has been claimed and will find a home among the football, hockey and baseball teams across the Balkans. So ex...