What We Do and Why We Do It

Hello Folks, Would like to ask for prayer for the shipment that is due to reach port in Croatia at the end of the this week and for the 20 members of the March HiS PRINT team that is due to leave on March 8 and lead our spring MiLO from the 8th to the 18th. Please pray for safety and opportunity to love them where they are and love them till they ask why. Speaking of loving them where they are please take the time to read the three short thank you's from coaches and presidents of some American Football clubs in The Balkans, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Have a wonderful God filled day! HE DID IT! David WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO and GO WHERE WE GO! 3 Messages from Coaches and Presidents Of Football teams in The Balkans. A Message from Mario Penic in Croatia Former coach of the Split Sea Wolves "Remember that one big part of boys were raised after the war this way in the balkan region and having sense of accomplishment, affirmation, emotion, through...